Helping Personal Injury Patients Get the Care They Need

Guardian Liens is a medical funding company that specializes in personal injury medical liens and portfolios. Our mission is to help healthcare providers and personal injury victims by providing immediate cash infusion through the purchase of medical lien receivables.

Our team understands the challenges that come with personal injury cases, including the financial burden of medical bills and the uncertainty of payment. That’s why we offer financing options for healthcare providers treating personal injury patients who do not have adequate health insurance.

Empowering Healthcare for Personal Injury Patients

At Guardian Liens, we believe that healthcare should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. We work closely with healthcare providers and personal injury attorneys to ensure that patients receive the care they need, while healthcare providers receive the compensation they deserve.

We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence, transparency, and professionalism. Our experienced team work tirelessly to provide our clients with the highest level of service and support.

If you’re a healthcare provider or personal injury attorney looking for a reliable partner to finance medical care for personal injury victims, look no further than Guardian Liens. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you.

Efficient Care

Streamline Your Business

We understand that managing medical lien collections can be a time-consuming process. That’s why we offer a cost-effective solution that reduces your administrative collections costs and lien processing. By partnering with us, you can focus your attention on more important matters and lower your overhead.

No Risk Treatment

Flexible Financing

Personal injury cases can take months or even years to settle. We provide unlimited funds to ensure that you can wait for these settlements to occur without financial stress. Our funding solutions are flexible to meet your specific needs.

Cash Flow

Efficient Underwriting

We pride ourselves on our quick and efficient underwriting process. Once we receive the required data and documentation associated with your lien receivables, we’ll immediately review your portfolio and proceed towards funding your receivables. This allows us to provide you with the financial support you need without the long wait times associated with traditional lenders.

Medical Referrals

Referral Network

We have an extensive network of top personal injury law firms and attorneys. We purchase medical receivables on personal injury cases managed by these firms, allowing us to make introductions between healthcare providers and law firms. This not only helps expand future business opportunities between the two, but also ensures that personal injury victims receive the best possible care.